Provides emergency non-perishable food to individuals and families
Food Pantry
In operation for over 15 years Groveton's Food Pantry provides emergency non-perishable food to individuals/families in the community. Approximately 250 individuals or family units are served each year.
If you need food
• Open on Fridays (except holidays) from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm. Use Door A.
• No eligibility requirements.
• Individuals/families may receive food twice per month.
Emergency Food Bags include
• "Dinner Meals" - spaghetti, beef stew, tuna, chili or beans and rice - along with canned vegetables, soup, fruit and mac-and-cheese as well as other items such as ramen noodles, cereal, beans, as available.
• "Microwave Meal" bags include items for those who only have limited resources for preparation.
• "Take and Eat Bags" - ready-to-eat foods that include items such as Vienna sausage, Spam, peanut butter and crackers, canned spaghetti/ravioli, and granola bars.
Supporting the Food Pantry
• Bring donations of non-perishable foods to the church office Monday-Friday between 9:00 am and 4:00 pm - Door A. Items always needed: spaghetti sauce and noodles, beef stew, tuna, Vienna sausage, spam, peanut butter, mac-and cheese, ramen noodles, soup, canned fruit, canned vegetables, and microwave meals. On Sunday donations may be placed in the blue bin in East Hall Room 312C.
• Small quantities of perishable items such as bread can be received Monday or Tuesday for distribution on Friday.
• Monetary donations to the Food Pantry are always welcome either by check, cash or e-giving.
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